TreeDocs Project Page

TreeDocs (Content Management System)

Usage: [ Setup and start of TreeDocs under JBoss | Using TreeDocs | Remarks ]


TreeDocs is content management system that allows the user to store links to documents, web pages, and text notes in a database. TreeDocs is written in Java, it is based on JSP (Java Server Pages) and EJBs (Enterprise Java Beans) -- so it needs a J2EE compliant application server to run. TreeDocs was tested under JBoss application server 4.0.2 (with Hypersonic SQL database (HSQLDB)).

All items (documents, links, notes) are stored in a tree. The tree consists of nodes, each node can have subnodes and items. It is very similar to file system: a node corresponds to a directory (folder) in file system, each item corresponds to a file.

Setup and start of TreeDocs under JBoss

Extract the binary archive you have downloaded.

Copy file treedocs-hsqldb-ds.xml into deploy directory of your JBoss application server. This file should setup a database connection to Hypersonic database running under JBoss. In JNDI view, you should see new data source named TreeDocsDS.

When the data source is successfully configured, you may copy file treedocs.ear into deploy directory of your JBoss application server. The TreeDocs application should be successfully registered and started.

Using TreeDocs

Open a web browser and enter the following address: http://IP_Address_of_your_server:8080/TreeDocsWeb/, where IP_Address_of_your_server should be replaced with the proper value. If you run JBoss on your local machine, you can use http://localhost:8080/TreeDocsWeb/.

You should see the whole document tree:

You can select any node from the tree to see its content. In our example, we selected File formats node:

The page displaying content of the selected node shows all subnodes first (in brackets) and then all items that belong to the selected node.

Any item can be edited (yellow pen icon), moved to another node (green arrow icon), or deleted (red cross).

In our example, we selected item with title CD for editing:

All properties of the selected item may be changed:


The whole TreeDocs system was designed to be as simple as possible. It should allow the user to organize small pieces of information (notes, web links, links to external documents) into nodes (directories). All information is stored in database, so backup is very simple too.

There are features that are not implemented, but the main functionality is in its place. The administrator of TreeDocs project uses TreeDocs to arrange his notes, documents, projects, contacts, and other information.

Next features that may be implemented:


This software is distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL) and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY!

See TreeDocs project page for more details or download TreeDocs directly.

Written by Voltik, 2006-05-31
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